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Caramia's Blog

March and projects!

David Visick

March Projects include Fruits! Here is some Pineapples!  

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Lemons have been the most popular.  Big Resin and chunky Lemons! Only 6.

Lemons have been the most popular.  Big Resin and chunky Lemons! Only 6.

Here is a show piece.  Giant and fun.  Miranda style eccentric piece!

Here is a show piece.  Giant and fun.  Miranda style eccentric piece!

Mixed Fruits!  My mixed Fruits, then a long beaded mixed fruit, layered with butterscotch jade.

Mixed Fruits!  My mixed Fruits, then a long beaded mixed fruit, layered with butterscotch jade.

Cherry Jubilee!  Resin Cherry necklace, Resin cherry necklace, beaded long cherry necklace.

Cherry Jubilee!  Resin Cherry necklace, Resin cherry necklace, beaded long cherry necklace.

Racking up the fruit bracelets, glass and onyx.

Racking up the fruit bracelets, glass and onyx.